Money Back Guarantee!

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee is easy! Simply contact us at or by calling us at 888-875-9466 to request a Return Authorization (RA) number. We will be happy to exchange the product(s) or refund your purchase price. (Excludes Shipping Charges)

Terms and Conditions of our 100% Money Back Guarantee
  1. If a refund is requested, Proof of Purchase must be supplied by email or US Mail. It may also accompany the returned product(s).
  2. The product must be returned in its original packaging.
  3. The product must be returned to Bryson Industries, Inc. 416 Albertson Rd. Thomasville NC 27360.
  4. Use a shipping method with traceable services to ensure the package arrives. Also require a signature at the destination for proof of the return. Bryson Industries will not assume responsibility for lost or damaged shipments.
  5. Refunds will be made within 60 days of receipt of product(s).
  6. If you request an exchange, shipping will be free. If the shipment is undeliverable, we will notify you and require shipping fees to be paid before re-shipping.
  7. If you request an exchange, your replacement product must be of similar value or less.
  8. This guarantee is only available to USA residence.